Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s political view is a very complicated one. Its like predicting which side of spirituality did Ramakrishna Parmahamsa promote. Just as some “scholars” would associate Ramakrishna with Tantra just because he worshipped Goddess Kali and called her as his Mother, historians would call Subhas Chandra Bose a socialist because he was leaning towards the leftist ideology within Congress. For details of his political views you may have to go through his biography and life in details , a digitized version of which is presented in HOME | netajisubhasbose
Suffice to say that: 1) Subhas Bose was greatly influenced and inspired by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. His main identity was that of spirituality 2) Therefore he was a humanist per excellence. He cared about people and their living conditions. Hence he had a general affinity for the oppressed and the sufferers 3) During his youth he actually spent considerable time rendering social services in rural areas, living among the villagers, treating the cholera patients. It shows that his “socialism” was not an academic exercise. He empathized with humanity in general 4) His main consideration was to free India from the clutches of the British as he was, more than anybody acutely aware of the extent of the damage the British rule had enforced on Indian economy and society, breaking the backbone of its civilization and culture, much more than even the Islamic conquerors could do 5) For that he wanted a broad based nation wide political consciousness to develop among people resulting in a broad based unity, setting aside all identity differences based on religion and culture 6) wherever there was a discord sown by disharmony, fomented by the British, Subhas had tried to address the same, example in North East, among Hindus and Muslims, by reaching out and offering concessions. That doesn’t mean he was unaware of the limitations and the agenda of the other side, viz. the communal elements. But his motto was that once the British were truly out we as Indians would develop better understanding without their interference and would be able to manage them 7) Unlike the other self serving Congress leaders Subhas did not have any affection for power or ambition to rule. Therefore his socialism, if any, was not agenda based 8) He was opposed to the policies of Gandhi coterie, the so called right wing and their obnoxious attempts to weaken the leftist movement as he thought that every movement was necessary to strengthen India. Moreover an opposition to Gandhi’s virtual dictatorship over the policies of the Congress was necessary as Gandhiji made many mistakes in zealously following his principles of non violence. he gave precedence to his principles over that of National interests which proved disastrous in the long run. Subhas was sympathetic to the revolutionaries as they had the needed sincerity to sacrifice themselves at the altar of the motherland, as opposed to the hidden agenda of most of the Congress leaders who craved for power 9) Subhas had not, unlike the leftists and the socialists, compromised under any occasion on the National interest. He did not refrain from working with the National Socialists of Germany or the Imperial Japan just because they worked against the Socialist or Leftist interest, because his prime interest was liberating India. The details of his politics are debated here Controversies and Legacy | netajisubhasbose
In the words of Kaka Kelkar, as narrated by Vishwas Patil in his "Mahanayak", Subhas neither belonged to the left, nor to the right, he was only "upright". To that if we may add that he was merely "Righteous". A careful study of his speeches and writings bears testimony to that fact where he had neither openly supported leftists or rightists, nor opposed them blindly. He sided with them as long as their stances were inline with the interest of India.