Prof. Dr. Dasarath Singh Tomar and his meeting withn Gumnami Baba/bhagwanji
In 1977-78 he was practicing as a Homoeopathic doctor in Ayodhya. At the said time an article appeared in Current Magazine, which was being published from Bombay, mentioning whether the person who was living in Ayodhya and hiding his identity was a CIA agent, or a saint or Subhash Chandra Bose. On reading the said article it came in his mind that he should visit the said person. As co-incidence would have it one Mahatma Saran, who lived in Ayodhya and was engaged in wood-furniture business, one day came to him and told him that he had to see a patient. When he told Mahatma Saran that he should bring the patient to his clinic, Mahatma Saran said that the patient did not visit anyone and he would have to examine him at the place where he lived. He also told him that he shall be paid his fees-. At about 9.00 p.m., after closing his clinic, he went to examine the said patient at his residence. When he reached there (Lucknauwa Hata,Ayodhya), he found Mahatma Saran present. - When he knocked at the gate of the house, a lady came out ( her name was Jagdambey). The lady told him that they call the person whom he was going to examine as Bhagwanji. When he entered inside the gate, he found that there was a curtain on window of the room in which Bhagwanji was sitting. While he was standing outside the room, Bhagwanji in a roaring voice asked him his name. On his telling him the same said that he was a Kshatriya and whether he had taken a stand against any injustice and killed the person who had committed injustice. Thereafter for half an hour he gave discourse on ideals and for about one hour a speech on Parliament and law and order situation. After talking to Bhagwanji he was convinced that Bhagwanji was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. He then proceeded to examine Bhagwanji in the room. Bhagwanji complained of fracture of femur bone and piles. For the former he prescribed symphytem and for the latter acid nitric 200. Thereafter for three years he visited Bhagwanji frequently in connection with his and Jagdambey's illness. On such occasions Bhagwanji used to talk to him on political and geographical subjects. Bhagwanji also used to lament about lack of ideals in the country. After talking to Bhagwanji from time to time on his political and administrative experience and hearing his roaring voice he became convinced that Bhagwanji was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (Taken verbatim from Justice Vishnu Sahai report)