In May 1927, Subhas was removed from Insein jail and was onboard a boat which took him to Calcutta. I.G Lowman had been waiting for him and he was taken to a medical board comprising of the doctors like Nilratan Sarkar, Dr. B.C Roy, Lt. Col. Sands and Major Hingston. The Governor had released him on 11 May 1927, but the policemen had actively tried to prevent his release and delayed it as far as possible. Subhas was released on 16 May, 1927. Subhas had said that fortunately for him, the new Governor Stanley Jackson had come with an open mind and with an unerring instinct of a trained politician he had sensed the grievance of the people. Under Lytton's regime, Calcutta Police had been the defacto Governor. Stanley Jackson had changed this and tried to assert his own authority. While Subhas was in Mandalay prison he was elected to the Bengal legislative council by a huge majority by defeating a formidable opponent, the liberal Mr J. N Basu. By the time he was released he had lost his health and it took him a long time to recover.
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