Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had shared a uinique relationship with Ramakrishna Mission Singapore. A devotee of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, he would often use to meditate in the shrine in the late night whenever he was there in Singapore. He would often call Swami Bhaswarananda and Brahmachari Kailasan for after dinner conversation on spiritual matters and would drop them by his car. Swami Bhaswarananda had said that during the days of Azad Hind, Netaji seemed to have received the special grace of God. People would be attracted by the force of his personality, of the strength of his character. After the fall of Azad Hind Government, when the British reoccupied Singapore, Swami Bhaswarananda was jailed for a few days for his association and closeness with Netaji, but was later released. The Ramakrishna Mission had opened an orphanage and Netaji donated Rs 50,000/- for the same. He also participated in the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi's tithi puja celebration.
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